Cat Tails

These were one of our first and biggest projects, and I am sure it will see some revisions in the future. I was looking through my inventory for a neko tail that was close to my hair color or at least was modify so I could make it close to my hair color to wear to a masquerade ball we were attending as the owl and the pussycat. I finally managed to find one and got it tinted just right and we were ready, only to learn at the party that it was emote click-able, that I could not see the menu and that the menu was... not friendly for public locations.  SO to help save people from future embarrassments like that we decided to make one tail that you would have full and total control over that would work for just about any setting you would need it to.

Like a lot of our projects this one kept growing and growing only it kept growing were most others stopped.

  • Texture changes, we set up colors to match all of TRUTH's hair packs.
  • Changes shape
  • Two decoration option which are also color change 
  • 4 levels of emotes nice, playful, romantic and naughty with 5 emotes choices at each level which you can see.
  • Self emotes that you can use to express how you are feeling
  • Advanced security features that allow you to set up an access list, and set the level of emote available.

We have two versions of the emotes one for him and one for her. However gender is only assumed on the owners part the gender of the clicker is assumed nutral so that it is LGB friendly.

The nice emotes are gental and kind, playful is a bit more mischivious, romantic is adorably sweet and naughty is WELL into the adult range.

The two versions of the tail decorations we offer are a leather cuff or wrap and a silk bow. At current just do to prim limitations we only have the for bow and the for him wrap inworld but we do have a for her wrap and for him bow on our marketplace store.

And of course there is the Lucky Version found in our chair.


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